We are creating a world of maximal LIBERTY so that the People have the FREEDOM to live life in peace, free from government coercion.
FPC Action Foundation (FPCAF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that exists to create a world of maximal human liberty, defend constitutional rights, advance individual liberty, and restore freedom. We work to achieve our strategic objectives through charitable efforts including strategic litigation, research, scholarly publications, amicus briefing, and education. FPCAF also succeeds through our partnership with Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) by providing expert legal oversight to implement FPC Law—the nation’s preeminent public interest legal initiative focused on the right to keep and bear arms.
We exist to create a world of maximal liberty and end government coercion that separates peaceable people from their life, liberty, and property.
PRINCIPLED: We stay true to our Core Beliefs.
DELIBERATE: We debate to determine the best ideas.
ENTERPRISING: We explore, try things, and learn.
RELENTLESS: We are tenacious and gritty.
We expand liberty through:
ADVOCACY: Litigating and managing impactful cases to eliminate immoral laws and support pro-liberty outcomes.
CULTURE: Growing an engaged community of natural rights proponents.
SUPPORT: Providing resources to those aligned with our mission.
Objective: Restore the essential right to keep and bear arms in the United States.
Key Tasks:
Eliminate bans on the acquisition, possession, moral use, and disposition of firearms and parts necessary to restore an essential scope and capability of the right to keep and bear arms (i.e., fully featured semiautomatic firearms, magazines that hold more than 10 rounds).
Eliminate prohibitions on the times, places, and manners of bearing arms in non-sensitive public places.
Eliminate prohibitions on the personal manufacture of common categories of firearms.
Eliminate prohibitions on access to and exercise of the right to keep and bear arms with respect to non-dangerous adult legal residents and citizens of the United States aged 18 and older.
End State: All adult legal residents and citizens of the United States who are not prohibited under constitutionally sound, historically supported factors following adjudication can, if they choose: (1) acquire, possess, self-manufacture, morally use, dispose of, and/or transfer to another such person common arms (including but not limited to semiautomatic firearms with standard magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition); and (2) bear loaded, operable firearms for self-defense and other moral purposes in non-sensitive public places, without fear or risk of arrest, prosecution, or state persecution.
Building Towards: Our vision and expanded mission of restoring the full right to keep and bear arms and adjacent liberties in the United States and throughout the world.
We believe that the People’s access to and exercise of natural rights, including their right to personal property, are necessary to achieve and maintain a free world. To that end:
We believe that all people have natural rights and are inherently entitled to life, liberty, and property, all of which are necessary to human flourishing.
We believe that natural rights are not granted by governments, a byproduct of majority consensus or majoritarian process, or mere privileges conferred by any government, group, or creation of man.
We believe that natural rights include but are not limited to the rights to self-defense and use of just force against unjust force; acquiring, possessing, training with, carrying, and using arms for moral and just purposes; free speech; association; protest; privacy; due process; equal protection of the laws; private property; and free markets.
We believe that how a government or society regulates the right to keep and bear arms is a strong and likely leading indicator of how that government or society does or will approach regulation of other rights and personal property.
We believe that well-armed people make tyranny at scale significantly more costly.
We believe that liberty is correlated with access to innovation and technology, including but not limited to that of arms, speech, and encryption.
We believe that it is immoral to unjustly use force to take the life, liberty, or property of others.
We believe that we must eliminate coercion and immoral laws, policies, regulations, customs, and enforcement practices in order to fulfill our Purpose.